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Greener Clare

The Fleadh Festival committee took part in the Greener Clare/Green Festival training last winter provided by Fifty Shades Greener and supported by Clare Tourism, Clare Coco and LEADER. The training took place during the winter with all of our amazing volunteers attending four group sessions.
The aim of this program was to allow festival organisers to learn the importance of setting environmental baselines and green standards that can be improved year on year, so that we are able to run all festivals and events in our communities in an environmentally friendly manner and that the only impact to our local communities is a positive one.
The Fleadh is committed to the following activities this year:



• To offer waste segregation facilities outside all venues for visitors to use

• To abolish all single packaged products during the festival

• To abolish plastic single use items like plates, cutlery, cups etc and replace them with reusable ones or fully compostable items

• To reduce food packaging as much as possible

• To reduce our number of leaflets and booklets printed

• To use recycled paper as much as possible

• To use local producers as much as possible for our food offering during the festival.

We would like to ask all of our festival goers to join us on our quest to Green our festival and our communities, please use the correct waste bins provided while you are here.